Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin (ISSN 0178 – 6288) . Number 91, July 2009, pp. 1-31. | Page 30

30 Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa, Dr. Sc. Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher (2008). Cetacea Palaestina: The Whales and Dolphins in Palestinian Waters. Cetacean Species Guide for Palestine. Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. Number 83, November 2008, Thu Al-Qi‟ada 1429 AH. pp. 1-14. Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa, Dr. Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher (2008). Amphibia Palaestina: The Amphibians of Palestine. Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. Number 84, December 2008, Thu Al-Hijja 1429 AH. pp. 1-18. Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. Dr. Sc. Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa, Zoologist, Ecologist and Geologist : The Scientific References (1980-2009). Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa, Dr. Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher (2009). The Mediterranean Monk Seal (Monachus monachus, Hermann 1779) in Palestinian, Mediterranean and Atlantic Waters. Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. Number 85, January 2009, Muharram 1430 AH. pp. 1-20. Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa, Dr. Sc. Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher (2009). Rodentia Palaestina: The Rodents of Palestine. Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. Number 86, February 2009, Safar 1430 AH. pp. 1-20. Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. Khalaf, Dr. Sc. Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher (2009). Zum 3. Todestag : Eine Persönlichkeit aus Jaffa, Palästina / The Third Death Anniversary : A Personality from Jaffa, Palestine : Bassam Ali Taher Khalaf (Abu Ali) (1938-2006). Gazelle: Das Palästinensische Biologische Bulletin. Nummer 86, Februar 2009, Safar 1430 AH. Seite 21. Sharjah, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate. Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa, Dr. Sc. Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher (2009). Israel uses the Eland Antelope (Taurotragus oryx) as a new front line force to protect the Israeli-Lebanese border. Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. Number 87, March 2009, Rabi‟e Al awal 1430 AH, pp. 1-8. Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa, Dr. Sc. Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher (2009). Flora and Fauna in Palestine. Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin. Number 91, July 2009, Rajab 1430 AH. pp. 131. Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. Khalaf-von Jaffa, Dr. Norman Ali Bassam (2009). Fauna Palaestina (Part 1). A Zoological Journey in Palestine, Arabia and Europe between 1983-2006 / Fauna Palaestina (Teil 1). Eine Zoologische Reise in Palästina, Arabien und Europa zwischen 1983-2006. ISBN 978-9948-03-865-8 (Book in preparation, Summer 2009). Publisher: Dr. Norman Ali Khalaf-von Jaffa; Sharjah, United Arab Emirates & Rilchingen-Hanweiler, Federal Republic of Germany. LAND UND LEUTE - Die Natur. McGarvey, J.W. Lands of the Bible. Natural Palestine: The Plant Cover. Palestine Wildlife Society. (in Arabic). Palestine Iris Iris palaestina. Photo. Palestine Iris Iris palaestina. Photo. Palestine Iris Iris palaestina. Photo. Palestine Iris Iris palaestina. Photo. Gazelle – Number 91 – July 2009