Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin (ISSN 0178 – 6288) . Number 150, June 2017, pp. 1-29. | Page 16

16 various combinations when they are being attacked or are attacking. The loudest three are the Clark's Clownfish, Tomato Clownfish, and Pink Skunk Clownfish (Animal World). The behaviors between the same species of clownfish are very interesting and easy to identify. Constant dominating displays by a female prevent a male from changing sex. An aggressive clownfish will displays "agonistic behavior" while the subordinate clown will display “appeaser behavior.” The aggressive fish has specific actions in which the subordinate clownfish reacts to: o o o o If the aggressive fish, typically the female, is chasing and chirping, the subordinate clownfish, which can be a male or sub adult, will rapidly quiver their body as they drift upward and they will produce clicking sounds. Jaw popping by the aggressive clownfish results in the subordinate clownfish shaking their body or head. Ventral leaning by the aggressive clownfish results in the subordinate clownfish quivering. An aggressive clownfish displaying a dorsal leaning results in the subordinate clownfish performing ventral leaning (Animal World). The relationship between a Sebae Clownfish and their host sea anemone is known as symbiosis, where they provide benefits to one another. The immunity of the clownfish to the sting of an anemone's tentacles allows them to dwell in this host, preventing larger fish that would otherwise eat the clownfish from getting at them. The bright coloration of the clownfish may also alert tell the predator that they will be stung if they get too close. The clownfish will, in turn protect its host from fish that eat anemones. In fact, a study was done in the wild, where they removed clownfish from the anemones, and these anemones were quickly attacked by various fish. The clownfish will also clean off debris, snack on the remnants of any meal the anemone has captured and provide the anemone "nutrition" in the form of waste that the clownfish produce (Animal World). Sex: Sexual differences Females are larger than the males (Animal World). Breeding and Reproduction The Sebae Clownfish, though a more difficult fish to maintain, has been bred in captivity and the fry successfully reared. All clownfish are undifferentiated when born but they are sex switchers. With certain social cues they change into juvenile males, and then when the opportunity arises a dominant fish will become female. Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin – Number 150 – June 2017