Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin (ISSN 0178 – 6288) . Number 149, May 2017, pp. 1-30. | Page 5

5 Chelonia mydas is listed as endangered by the IUCN and CITES and is protected from exploitation in most countries. It is illegal to collect, harm or kill them. In addition, many countries have laws and ordinances to protect nesting areas. However, turtles are still in danger due to human activity. In some countries, turtles and their eggs are hunted for food. Pollution indirectly harms turtles at both population and individual scales. Many turtles die caught in fishing nets. Also, real estate development often causes habitat loss by eliminating nesting beaches (Wikipedia). My wife Ola Khalaf showing the Green Sea Turtle Nest Adoption Certificate in the name of Dr. Norman Ali Khalaf, near the adopted nest at the Mataking Island Reef Turtle Hatchery, Malaysia. 11.02.2015. Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin – Number 149 – May 2017