Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin (ISSN 0178 – 6288) . Number 148, April 2017, pp. 1-13. | Page 3
folded wing, and darker cheek stripe are distinctions from the European species.
Senegal thick-knee is striking in flight; with a broad white wing bar (Wikipedia).
This species has a preference for dry open habitats with some bare ground,
preferably near water. It lays two blotchy light brown eggs on a ground scrape. It
is most active at dawn and dusk. The song is a loud pi-pi-pi-pi-pi-pi-pi
Food is insects like grasshoppers and beetles, crustaceans and other
invertebrates. It will also take other small prey like amphibians, reptiles and even
small rodents.
Common Names:
English: Senegal Thick-Knee, Senegal Stone-Curlew; French: Oedicnème du
Sénégal; German: Senegaltriel; Spanish: Alcaraván Senegalés; Italian:
L'Occhione del Senegal; Arabic: . الكروان الحجري السنغالي
The Senegal Thick-Knee or Stone-Curlew (Burhinus senegalensis Swainson, 1837) in flight near
the fish ponds at Ma’agan Michael Kibbutz, near Jisr az-Zarqa. Photo Oz Horine. 08.07.2015.