Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin (ISSN 0178 – 6288) . Number 141, September 2016, pp. 1-19. | Page 8
head and tail flukes that are white on the underside. The tail is flipped up high
when it dives, and the OWDRG scientists have learned to distinguish individual
whales by the patterns on these tail flukes. So far 54 individuals have been
recorded that feed in the autumn in the bay of Masirah and breed in FebruaryMarch off the coast of Dhofar. This is unusual behaviour for a Humpback whale,
as in other parts of the world Humpback whales migrate over long distances
between their feeding and breeding grounds (Jongbloed, 2004).
Male Humpback whales sing under the water, producing a complex series of low
grunts, squeals, chirps and whistles, making up separate themes, which are sung
in a specif