Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin (ISSN 0178 – 6288) . Number 133, January 2016, pp. 1-29. | Page 11
from humans. To prevent accidents and preserve Monk seal, local city council
acquired special educational boards and installed on city beaches. Despite clear
instructions, an incident occurred with a tourist harassing a seal. The whole
event was filmed. Less than a month later on August 25, 2014 this female Monk
seal was found dead in the Mrtvi Puć bay near Šišan, Croatia. Experts said it was
natural death caused by her old age (Wikipedia).
In 2012, a Mediterranean Monk Seal was spotted in Gibraltar on the jetty of the
private boat owners club at Coaling Island. The specimen was very likely a seal
that must have swam far out of its comfort zone and found itself in Gibraltar
Recently, in the week of 22–28 April 2013, what is believed to have been a monk
seal was viewed in Tyre, southern Lebanon; photographs have been reported
among many local media (Wikipedia).
A study by the Italian Ministry of the Environment in 2013 confirmed the
presence of monk seals in marine protected area in the Egadi Islands
In September and October 2013, there were a number of sightings of an adult
pair in waters around RAF Akrotiri in British Sovereign Base waters in Cyprus
The Lebanese Seal in Tyre (Sour), Southern Lebanon in April 2013.
Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin – Number 133 – January 2016