Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin (ISSN 0178 – 6288) . Number 125, May 2015, pp. 19-37. | Page 2

20 Baboon), Papio hamadryas anubis (Olive Baboon), Papio hamadryas cynocephalus (Yellow Baboon), Papio hamadryas papio (Red Baboon) and Papio hamadryas ursinus (Chacma Baboon), by its distinctive fur and face colouration and the moderate size. It is morphologically and geographically a distinct subspecies. The new subspecies was named Papio hamadryas makkah Khalaf, 2015. Keywords: Mammalia, Primates, Cercopithecidae, Papio hamadryas makkah, Arabian Baboon, Makkah Baboon, Mecca Baboon, Jabal AlNoor, Mountain, Hijaz Mountains, Makkah, Makkah Al-Mukarramah, Mecca, Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Near East, Middle East. ‫صؼدَا انٍٕو بحًد هللا تؼانى إنى لًت جبم انُٕر ، أػهى جبال يكت ٔػهى إرتفاع 0.2 يتزاً ، حٍث‬ ‫ٌٕجد غار حِزاء ، ٔانذي أَشل ػُدِ انٕحً جبزٌم ػهٍّ انسالو أٔنى آٌاث انمزآٌ انكزٌى ػهى رسٕنُا‬ ‫انكزٌى يحًد صهى هللا ػهٍّ ٔسهى. بسى هللا انزحًٍ انزحٍى. إلزأ بإسى ربك انذي خهك. خهك‬ ‫اإلَساٌ يٍ ػهك. الزأ ٔربك األكزو. انذي ػهى بانمهى. ػهى اإلَساٌ يا نى ٌؼهى. صدق هللا انؼظٍى‬ Family Khalaf (Prof. Dr. Norman, wife Ola and daughter Nora) climbed on 08.04.2012 Jabal Al-Noor, the highest mountain in Mecca (Elevation 642 meter) where they visited Ghar Hira' (Cave Hira'), the place where Prophet Mohammad Peace Be Upon Him, received the first revelation from ALLAH through the Messenger Angel Gabriel. Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin – Number 125 – May 2015