Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin (ISSN 0178 – 6288) . Number 124, April 2015, pp. 22-39. | Page 5

22 4-Lesser Black-backed Gull 5-Yellowlegged Gull Larus fuscus 7-Little Egret Egretta garzetta 8-Common Tern 9-Common Kingfisher Sterna hirundo 10-Pied Kingfisher Ceryle rudis Larus michahellis Alcedo atthis ‫نورس‬ ‫صغير أسود‬ ‫الظهر‬ ‫نورس‬ ‫أصفر‬ ‫الساقين‬ ‫بلشون‬ ‫أبيض‬ ‫صغير‬ ‫خطاف بحر‬ ‫شائع‬ ‫صياد‬ ‫السمك‬ ‫الشائع‬ ‫صياد‬ ‫السمك‬ ‫األبقع‬ Yellow–legged Gull (Larus michahellis). It is a migrating species and is also a resident bird in Gaza; the migrating gulls come from Europe in winter and join the resident gulls. The photo below shows the Juveniles of the Yellow-legged Gull inside the Gaza Fishermen Port in October 2014. The length of the bird is from 52-58 cm. Photo (4). Juvenile Yellow-legged Gulls (Larus michahellis) inside the Gaza Fishermen Port. Photo by: Ayman Dardona. 14.10.2014. Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin – Number 124 – April 2015