Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin (ISSN 0178 – 6288) . Number 122, February 2015, pp. 12-27. | Page 4
Etymology / Derivation of the Scientific Name
The genus name Macropoma in Greek means “big apple” or “large fruit” which
refers to the big sized head and tail of the Genus Macropoma. The species name
libanus refers to “Lebanon” in Greek where the new species was discovered.
The new Roundhead-Roundtail Lebanon Coelacanth fossil species † Macropoma libanus
Khalaf, 2015 from Lebanon. &
After studying the Macropoma fish fossil specimen from Haqel
(Hakel) and Hajula, Lebanon and comparing with the four
different Macropoma species : † Macropoma lewesiensis Agassiz,
1835; † Macropoma mantelli Agassiz, 1843; † Macropoma speciosum
Reuss, 0827 and † Macropoma willemoesii Vetter, 1881 and
referring to many zoological references, and searching the Internet,
I came finally to a conclusion that we are in front of a new
Coelacanth fossil species.
Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin – Number 122 – February 2015