Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin (ISSN 0178 – 6288) . Number 122, February 2015, pp. 12-27.
† Macropoma libanus Khalaf, 2015 : A New
Coelacanth Fish Fossil Species from Lebanon
ماكروبوما ليبانوس خلف ، 2015 : نوع جديد ألحفورة سمكة
الجمبيزة (سيالكانث) من لُبنان
By: Prof. Dr. Sc. Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher KhalafSakerfalke von Jaffa
The new Roundhead-Roundtail Lebanon Coelacanth fossil species † Macropoma libanus
Khalaf, 2015 from Lebanon. &
Abstract: A new fossil species of Coelacanth Fish from the Upper
Cretaceous (Middle Cenomanian) of the genus Macropoma (Class
Sarcopterygii, Subclass Crossopterygii, Order Coelacanthiformes,
Suborder Latimerioidei, Family Latimeriidae) was found in the
Limestone of Haqel (Hakel) and Hajula, Lebanon. The new fossil
species is distinguished from the four different Macropoma species : †
Macropoma lewesiensis Agassiz, 1835; † Macropoma mantelli Agassiz,
1843; † Macropoma speciosum Reuss, 0827 and † Macropoma willemoesii
Vetter, 1881 by its slightly different skeletal, skull and fin features. It is
morphologically a distinct species. The new species was named †
Macropoma libanus Khalaf, 2015.
Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin – Number 122 – February 2015