Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin (ISSN 0178 – 6288) . Number 121, January 2015, pp. 1-20. | Page 3
Anatolian Leopard (Panthera pardus tulliana
Valenciennes, 1856)
The Anatolian leopard (Panthera pardus tulliana), also called the Asia Minor
leopard, was proposed in the 19th century as a distinct leopard subspecies native
to southwestern Turkey, and is currently subsumed to the Caucasian or Persian
leopard (Panthera pardus ciscaucasica syn. Panthera pardus saxicolor).
The first camera trap photograph of a leopard in Turkey was obtained in
September 2013 in the Trabzon Province. In November 2013, a leopard was killed
in the Çınar district of Diyarbakır Province. This specimen is considered the
western-most observation of a Persian leopard (Wikipedia).
The shepherd Kasım Kaplan and the dead body of the Anatolian leopard lying on the
ground in Diyarbakır's Çınar district, Turkey.
Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin – Number 121 – January 2015