Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin (ISSN 0178 – 6288) . Number 120, December 2014, pp. 1-29. | страница 2

2 The Long-necked Whip-tailed Sauropod Dinosaur skeleton is over 155 million years old, and is 24.4 meters (80 feet) long and 7.6 metres (25 feet) high and was a young adult female about 25 years old. This dinosaur belongs to the family Diplodocidae, derived from the Greek words diplos (double) and dokos (beam). The name Diplodocidae refers to the bones resembling two beams located under its tail. These bones helped the dinosaur to lift its mighty tail (The Dubai Mall, 2014). Amphicoelias is derived from the Greek words amphi (on both sides) and koilos (hollow). It refers to the thin vertebral walls the dinosaur needed to support its enormous weight (The Dubai Mall, 2014). Dubai-based developer Emaar unveiled the attraction on 10.03.2014, and a dedicated onsite team will be sharing insights with visitors. The prehistoric dinosaur remains are from the late Jurassic period and belong to the species Amphicoelias brontodiplodocus, characterised by an endless whip-like tail, long slender neck and small head. Nearly 90 per cent of the fossil’s bones were found intact at the excavation site. Almost all 360 unearthed bones were complete and in good condition. Its tail bones were found broken, either ferociously bitten by a predator, or through battle trauma from a tail fight. The body trunk bones of the Long-necked Whip-tailed Sauropod Dinosaur (Amphicoelias brontodiplodocus Galiano and Albersdörfer, 2010) at The Dubai Mall. Photo by: Prof. Dr. Sc. Norman Ali Bassam Khalaf-von Jaffa. 08.04.2014. Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin – Number 120 – December 2014