Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin (ISSN 0178 – 6288) . Number 120, December 2014, pp. 1-29. | Page 18

18 References and Internet Websites Amphicoelias ―brontodiplodocus‖ Galiano and Albersdörfer (2010). pp. 60. Calambokidis, J. and G. Steiger (1998). Blue Whales. Voyageur Press. ISBN 089658-338-4. Carpenter, K. (2006). Biggest of the big: a critical re-evaluation of the megasauropod Amphicoelias fragillimus. In Foster, J.R. and Lucas, S.G., eds., 2006, Paleontology and Geology of the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 36: 131–138. Cope, Edward Drinker (1878). A new species of Amphicoelias. American Naturalist 12(8): 563–564. doi:10.1086/272176. Archived from the original on October 25, 2009. Cope, E.D. (1878). On the Vertebrata of the Dakota Epoch of Colorado. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 17: 233–247. Dinosauria International. Engelmann, G.F., Chure, D.J., and Fiorillo, A.R. (2004). The implications of a dry climate for the paleoecology of the fauna of the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation. In Turner, C.E., Peterson, F., and Dunagan, S.P., eds., Reconstruction of the extinct ecosystem of the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation: Sedimentary Geology, 167: 297–308. Classification Info: The Long-necked Whip-tailed Sauropod Dinosaur (Amphicoelias brontodiplodocus Galiano and Albersdörfer, 2010) at The Dubai Mall. Photo by: Prof. Dr. Sc. Norman Ali Bassam Khalaf-von Jaffa. 08.04.2014. Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin – Number 120 – December 2014