Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin (ISSN 0178 – 6288) . Number 117, September 2014, pp. 1-33. | Page 32

32 Judean Hills". Wikipedia. Ceratosauria. Wikipedia. Elaphrosaurus. Wikipedia. Ornithomimidae. Wikipedia. Ornithomimosauria. Wikipedia. Struthiomimus. Beit Zeit Dinosaur Footprint. The Dinosaurs (terrible lizards) constitute two different groups of extinct reptiles, derived from a common ancestor and together with other groups like crocodiles, birds and other extinct reptiles, share unique anatomical features. The dinosaurs appeared on earth during the Triassic period, 235 million years ago and continued to exist to the end of the Mesozoic (end of the Cretaceous) era, when all of them, 65 million years ago, became extinct together with many other groups of organisms. The common explanation of this mass extinction is probably due to a massive impact of an asteroid with the face of the earth, the consequence of which was a worldwide catastrophe to life (Tsrenov). During most of their existence on earth (around 170 million years) the dinosaurs dominated most of the continental habitats, were wide spread all over the Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin – Number 117 – September 2014