Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin (ISSN 0178 – 6288) . Number 116, August 2014, pp. 1-23. | Page 10
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فؤَرْ س ْل َنا علٌَْهم الطوفان والجراد والقُمل والضفادِع والدم آ ٌَات مفصََّلت فاسْ َتك َبرُوا وكانوا
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. 188 ق ْومًا مُجْ رمٌِن . سورة اْلعراف ، اآلٌة
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Desert Locust (Schistocerca gregaria) at Al Ka'ba in Makkah Al-Mukarramah, Kingdom
of Saudi Arabia. Photo by: Nora Norman Ali Khalaf. 01.01.2014.
.2..2.0.20 . الجراد الصحراوي عند الكعبة المُشرفة فً مكة المُكرمة . تصوٌر إبنتً نورة خلف
The Desert Locust (Schistocerca gregaria Forsskål, 1775) is a species of
locust. Plagues of desert locusts have threatened agricultural production
in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia for centuries. The livelihood of at least onetenth of the world’s human population can be affected by this voracious insect1
The desert locust is potentially the most dangerous of the locust pests because of
the ability of swarms to fly rapidly across great distances. It has two to five
generations per year. The last major desert locust upsurge in 2004–05 caused
significant crop losses in West Africa and had a negative impact on food
security in the region. While the desert locust alone is not responsible for
famines, it can be an important contributing factor (Wikipedia).
Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin – Number 116 – August 2014