Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin (ISSN 0178 – 6288) . Number 113, May 2014, pp. 1-26. | Page 4

4 The generic and specific diagnoses are based primarily on small specimens and it is possible that when more complete large individuals are found they will have to be revised. Some features such as the lack of ornament and the weak development of the squamosal may be juvenile features. However, there remains the possibility that the small and large individuals represent different taxa. The restoration provided is based on small individuals. Some remarks are therefore necessary (Forey 1997/1998). Woodward (1942) erected the species solely on the holotype (AUB 108935) which, based on proportions of the complete smaller specimens, must have been a fish of about 30 cm. Another large, but disarticulated tail (MNHN HDJ-73-22) is known, again probably from a comparable-sized fish. The remaining specimens, although articulated, are much smaller (< 10 cm SL) and there are differences in certain features between them and the holotype. The scales of the small individuals are more delicately ornamented or lack ornament completely, and the rays of D1 lack expanded tips (a feature considered diagnostic by Woodward). A number of features suggest that the small specimens are juvenile: the endochondral fin supports and pelvic girdle are lightly ossified; the scales are very thin and carry little ornamentation. All these features are seen in young Rhabdoderma exiguum and in Coccoderma nudum which also are thought to be juvenile forms (Forey 1997/1998). Gaudant (1975) was also unsure whether the small specimens were juvenile Macropomoides orientalis or separate species. She further recognized two forms of small individuals which she called ‘coelacanthe B’ (two specimens) and ‘coelacanthe C’ (one specimen). The differences between them were alleged to be the slightly more anterior placement of the pelvic bone relative to the pectoral lobe and the dorsal fin in ‘B’ than in ’C’ and the fact that form ‘B’ showed scales with a small central spine-like denticle (in large specimens the scale ornament consists of a spine-like central denticle flanked by many small denticles) (Forey 1997/1998). species Macropomoides orientalis Woodward, 1942 † kingdom Animalia - animals » phylum Chordata chordates » class Sarcopterygii » order Coelacanthiformes coelacanth » family Latimeriidae - coelacanths Temporal range: Upper Cretaceous The fossil specimens of the coelacanth fish Macropomoides orientalis Woodward, 1942 from the Upper Cretaceous (Middle Cenomanian) originate from the Hakel and Hajula sites in Lebanon. Author: Dr. Norman Ali Khalaf-von Jaffa BioLib. Biological Library. Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin – Number 113 – May 2014