Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin (ISSN 0178 – 6288) . Number 107, November 2013, pp. 30-38. | Page 3

32 expansion and the D1 support has a prominent anteroventrally directed thickened ridge. The scales are ornamented with many closely spaced denticles which, like the denticles on the fins, bear many fine striations. Those scales beneath and behind the level of D1 show a prominent central denticle (the only denticle present in small specimens) (Forey 1997/1998). Fossil of the Lebanese Coelacanth Macropomoides orientalis Woodward, 1942 from Lebanon. Photo at the Senckenberg Museum of Frankfurt, Germany. Photo by Ghedoghedo. 19 August 2011. Conclusion: After studying the Macropomoides fish fossil specimen from the Anthracothere Hill in Al-Naqab (Negev), Palestine and comparing with the Lebanese Coelacanth fossil species Macropomoides Gazelle : The Palestinian Biological Bulletin – Number 107 – November 2013