GAZELLE MAGAZINE Volume 2, Issue 1 | Página 53

FAMILY & HOME HOW TO STAY SANE WHILE RAISING TEENS By Ellie Grossman Being a teenager is challenging, and so is raising one to be a caring, independent, responsible adult. This stage in life involves mood swings, irrational behavior, bodily changes, and a sudden increase in appetite. Wait a minute—am I describing puberty or menopause? Let’s face it—hormones can wreak havoc in a household, both for the teens and their mom. Fear not. The good news—this too shall pass. And the bad news—this too shall pass. So take a deep breath. You will survive the ups and downs of parenting teens. Here are some tips to stay sane while navigating through these confusing years. They grow up fast. Before you know it, you’ll be an empty nester and miss those days when you picked up wet towels from your kid’s carpeted bedroom floor. It seems like only yesterday when I was an anxious room mom worrying about the perfect peanut-free snack to serve at the winter-themed holiday party. And now today, I’m freaking out about when the time comes that I have to teach my teenaged daughter how to put a condom on a banan