GAZELLE MAGAZINE Vol. 1, Issue 1 | Page 49

Gazelle 14 Spring 25-48_Gazelle Magazine 4/17/14 8:23 PM Page 47 in your life that you admire, but have lost touch with, and catch up. Meet someone new and get to know them. Whether at school, work, or the gym, we all need to expand our network of friends. In short, take time to build new relationships and tend to old ones. INTELLECT UAL GOALS “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest,” said Benjamin Franklin. Most people stagnate in the process of educating themselves after formal schooling ends. Subscribe to at least two well-written publications and read each issue cover-to-cover (my favorites are The Economist and The Atlantic Monthly). Sign up for a class once a year and learn a new skill. Keep growing your knowledge base and you will be better equipped to handle the growth in all areas of your life. As Nelson Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful weapon with which you can use to change the world.” It can change your life, too. PH Y S I CAL GOALS “Without physical health all the other goals fall short.” In the end, staying healthy is as easy as drinking plenty of water, eating more vegetables, getting plenty of fiber, eliminating processed foods from your diet and exercising. Find the time to exercise in some way every day. Go on a walk, have sex, take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk up the escalator, park at the far end of the parking lot, or whatever you need to do to stay active. Set physical goals and work toward them every day. Why do we need to improve all these areas of our lives? The tabloids are full of stories about people who have financial wealth but no emotional wealth. We all know sports stars who are paid a fortune for a few years, but lack spiritual wealth. There are countless examples of entertainers whose talent produces millions of dollars, but doesn’t overcome their lack of intellectual wealth. Creating wealth that is lasting involves enriching all parts of your life. Otherwise, whatever financial wealth you acquire will be quickly drained away by the deficits in other areas. So, go set goals in each part of your life and start creating wealth. “Debt, if properly used, can be an enriching experience, but for most people, it’s just a four-letter word.” ­