WELLNESS & WELL-BEING Be a Star in Your Own Life By Julia Gordon-Bramer W e now teeter on the edge of summer, which reminds me of the Star tarot card, featuring a beautiful naked woman who keeps one foot on land and one in a pool of water. Whether it was the older ideals for beauty or just a forward-thinking artist, this tarot lovely is not perfect by our modern model standards. Her face is a little plain, she keeps her long hair pulled back, and she has a little bit of extra weight around the middle. Yet I don’t think there is anyone who could look at this card and not say that she is beautiful - just as she is. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we all saw ourselves communing this easily with nature and our own bodies? The woman dips into the water with one jar and pours onto the land with another. A pelican sits on a tree in the distance. The sky is filled with one great star (the sun) and little stars overhead. What better card to reflect on for the swimsuit edition? The Star is a card of hopes and dreams coming true. It can also be read as a card of celebrity. Some say that the woman is the mythological virgin Pandora, who opened the proverbial taboo box. She accidentally released all sorts of evil upon the world, and only hope remained. We can draw a lot of similarities between this story and that of Eve in the Garden of Eden, which also fits this card well. The Star is a card that says to never, ever give up hope. Hope is the thing that keeps us sane in these uncertain times. The fact that Pandora is naked is important. This is not a card about seduction; rather it shows that she was not afraid to be vulnerable. There is no possibility of intimacy without vulnerability, and if you’re interested in this subject, I recommend you check out the work of Brené Brown, who’s built a career on this topic. But back to the tarot: All the heavy clothes and protections we wear are good at keeping us hidden, but what about enjoying the warm rays of the sun? Let’s make summer our metaphor for stepping into the real truth about ourselves as the Star card does, and for stepping out into the world without a lot of baggage. Our own hopes and dreams are found in the place where we get real, and we can brave our nakedness as the beauty on the Star tarot card does, and in swimsuit season, that may be literally, as well as figuratively. What dreams are you dipping into? Maybe now is the time to take the plunge. Gordon-Bramer is a professional tarot card reader in St. Louis, and author of “Fixed Stars Govern a Life: Decoding Sylvia Plath” and the “Decoding Sylvia Plath” series. Visit her website at SAVVY I SOPHISTICATED I SASSY 91