Exercise : Is it Love or War ?

By Shannon Hayes Buescher

When it comes to exercise , think about what you enjoy doing , and yes , the words exercise and enjoy can actually be used together ! Think about what your reasoning is behind choosing the form of exercise you ’ re engaging in . When the main reason is weight loss , it is often a shortlived experience that will cycle on and off - just like dieting .

Exercise is often coupled with dieting , which leads to an all-ornothing relationship . When exercise is done as part of a weight loss regime , it is often painful ( no pain , no gain , right ?), really intense and not overly enjoyable . But that ’ s just what you do . You ’ ll burn the most calories and lose weight quickly .
But how sustainable is that ? What relationship are you creating with something that is supposed to be good for you ? I have seen clients who have engaged in this sort of exercise and feel that it is a have to , not a want to . Days off from exercise are filled with guilt , anxiety and restlessness . They feel they have to change what they eat because they are not working out . Working out is what gives them permission to eat what and how much they want , or erases yesterday ’ s indulgences .
This is what “ the war ” looks like : days of dread , sometimes hate , negative energy filled with body judgment , critiquing , “ should-ing ” about how many calories you must burn , how many minutes you must work out , how many steps you must take . You have become a prisoner to the exercise jail you have created .
Are you curious as to what “ the love ” with exercise looks like ? A loving relationship with exercise is doing things you actually enjoy doing that makes your body feel good . A loving relationship does not focus on weight loss or body change , but rather the health and quality of life changes with exercise .
Exercise has been shown to help reduce cognitive decline , heart disease , certain cancers , anxiety , depression , diabetes and osteoporosis . Regular physical activity helps to increase strength , balance , stress tolerance , sleep quality , creativity , lean body mass , appetite regulation , bone density and mood . When your focus is on any of these , you ’ re reasoning for activity changes . It is no longer done to change the outside , but rather to honor the you , inside - to take care of her , love her and listen to her .
Finding the things that you actually like and enjoy may mean being open to things that you haven ’ t tried before , or exploring the things that you feel like don ’ t count as exercise . Some people love playing tennis , taking a walk , or pushing around heavy weights , while others find happiness on a yoga mat . None of these are right or wrong . It is how you feel when you are doing them and your awareness of how this movement makes you feel about your body .
Love always wins the war . Sometimes it is just a matter of breaking free from the chains that hold you prisoner and choosing peace instead . So be curious , be adventurous and have fun !
Buescher is a registered and licensed dietitian . She has over 15 years of experience with nutritional counseling in sports nutrition , eating disorders and a non-diet approach to food . Visit her website at hayes-nutrition . com .