CUISINE Eckert's Family Farm Markets Eating Up Summer By Suzanne Corbett L ocavores, rejoice! Farmers' markets are overflowing with what you crave - homegrown produce, locally produced foods and social interaction. Farmers' markets are prime locations for selfies and Instagram posting, while one fills baskets and bags with the pick of the crop and connects with friends. It’s a shopping tradition - minus the selfies and Instagrams – that civilizations have embraced since recorded history. No surprise to this history foodie, considering how markets have always provided a gathering place to shop and socialize, which locally speaking, includes everything from St. Louis’ earliest colonial community marketplaces to 20th century malls. Of course, times have changed, and malls and mega-supermarkets have faded. Yet 70 GAZELLE STL through their decline, gathering around community farmers' markets has survived. Thanks to the farm-to-table movement, weekly pop-up farmers' markets continue to expand, defining a community’s culture and local flavors beyond the seasonal tomato crop - markets that offer opportunities to explore and enjoy the area through farm vendors, organized activities, entertainment, and of course, their food specialties. Farmers' markets are now at their peak. Nearly 20 assorted farmers' markets and farm stands dot the landscape across the metropolitan area. Chances are, there’s a pop-up market in your neck of the woods. Check the Missouri Department of Agriculture’s AgriMissouri program ( for a complete list of farmers' markets and farmsteads. Or check out one or more of my favorite community farmers'