Gauteng Smallholder September 2016 | Page 36


From page 32
“ weeds " are a part of nature . We can encourage those insects and plants that help us in the garden . Ladybirds , praying mantis , lacewings , wasps , frogs , lizards and birds all eat the insect pests that harm our gardens . Plant goldenrod , because lacewings love it . If you leave these natural predators in your garden , they will help you . It is also possible to mix vegetables with other plants , particularly strong smelling plants that deter pests and attract predators . Camphor , mints , scented pelargoniums , feverfew , African wormwood , pyrethrum , southernwood , lavender , rosemary , sage and many other herbs have spicy or bitter scents rather than sweet ones . They can also be used as aphid-repelling mulch , by spreading the leaves around newly planted seedlings . Youcanuseplantsastrap plants : nasturtiums for example , attract aphids away from other plants because they are more attractive to the pests . When actively growing amongst desirable crops , these herbs can confuse pest insects by masking attractive scents . Marigolds and garlic chives are also insect repellents . Then there are home-made sprays that you can try . If you must use insecticide sprays try to use natural remedies , so that you don ' t kill off beneficial insects at the same time . Chemical sprays also break down slowly , so their damage continues for a long time . Remember that non-toxic insect sprays are used to deter or deflect the pest , or to disturb its breeding cycle . They don ' t kill the insects . Use the following plants in your battle against aphids : aloe leaves , nettle leaves and stems , blackjack seeds , whole marigold plants , whole khakibos plant or tomato leaves . Half fill a bucket with the plant matter , add justboiled water , stir and leave to stand overnight . Strain out the leaves and stems and add them to your compost . Add two tablespoons of dishwashing liquid and mix . The spray will keep for up to a month . Spray on to affected plants every few days , as the herbal insecticide will break down quickly . Be sure to spray the underside of the vegetables as well . Spray the plants and the ground surrounding the plant , as aphids might jump off or sit on the ground until it is safe to attack the plant again . The other problem with aphids is that they are sometimes protected by ants , because they have a mutualistic relationship . Aphids produce a sweet substance called honeydew , which ants collect as a food source . The ants “ milk ” the aphids by stroking them with their antennae . The ants in turn protect the aphids from predators and some ants even transport aphids between plants for re-establishment when the ants move to new nesting sites . Ants therefore compound the aphid control problem .
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