From page 14
moisture content.
the soil, inhibiting water
K If possible, avoid crops that
infiltration in the ground require soil disturbance to
meaning water runs off on the harvest.
surface and does not recharge K Prevent soil compaction by
limiting heavy machinery,
Overgrazing, of course, is one especially in wet conditions.
of the key problems of
Where traffic is necessary, use
smallholder land manageradial-ply tyres with low tyre
pressures to minimise soil
So what can we do on our
relatively small pieces of land K Ensure stocking rates are
to contribute to healthy soils? within the land's carrying
K Be most cautious in using
capacity, based on the present
chemical fertiliser and aim to veld condition.
fill nutrient gaps rather than
K Monitor and manage veld
simply increasing total
nitrogen and phosphate
K Time and target fertiliser
application to coincide with
maximum plant uptake
periods and apply fertiliser in
regular smaller doses rather
than few large doses.
K Store synthetic fertilisers on
an impermeable floor. Avoid
interim storage in open fields,
as this poses a high pollution
K Fertiliser spreading
machines should never be
washed in rivers, lakes or near
drinking water wells and
springs. (The same goes, of
course, for pesticide sprayers).
K Where possible, use
organic fertilisers that contain
a carbon source (for example
compost, manure and plant
matter – especially from
K Use crop rotation and
inter-cropping to increase soil
organic matter and nutrients.
Where possible, rotate
between grains and nitrogenbinding legume crops.
K Maintain a permanent soil
cover – use either cover crops
or mulch.
K Avoid excessive irrigation
and ensure good water
K Reduce the use of
pesticides and herbicides that
cause a decline in soil microorganisms.
K Practice crop-appropriate
minimum tillage.
K If tillage is required, till at
the correct speed and only
when the soil has the correct
condition for optimal
productivity with minimal
environmental damage.
K Maintain
or improve
and the
health of the
soil by