Gauteng Smallholder October 2017 | Page 15

From page 11
Some pets respond well to the use of lavender oil . Humans find it has a sedative effect and so might your animals , but it needs to be used with caution . These oils are extremely concentrated and need to be heavily diluted to be safe for your animal . Add 15 drops to a small spray bottle filled with water . This can then be sprayed on your dog ' s skin . It often has the added benefit of helping with flea and tick control and skin healing . Other calming herbs include lemon balm , rosemary , stinging nettle , comfrey and borage . Because pets can ' t tell you if a remedy is working , you need to watch carefully to see the reaction . Excessive scratching , sniffing , nervousness or whining are all signs to watch for . What is good for a large dog is not good for a small dog . Size matters , and less is definitely more when working with oils , for animals or humans . Sick , frail , older , or pregnant pets have special considerations , so do not administer the same dose to them as you would to a healthy animal of the same size . Putting on a quite tight fitting garment or jacket helps some animals , or even elastic bandage wrapping . There is a garment called the ThunderShirt - a sturdy , stretchy vest that hugs the torso , which is available for dogs and for cats . It is rather expensive though . There are also special calming collars on the market , which might prove to be a better remedy . The collar is impregnated with a synthetic copy of a pheromone that is produced by sebaceous glands found between the mammary glands of lactating queens and bitches . This is the pheromone that the mother cat or dog produces to calm and reassure her young . Dogs and cats recognise these pheromones throughout life . The advantage of these collars is that the animal wears it all the time and the calming effect will also help with separation anxiety , travelling stress or being left in kennels while owners are on holiday . The collar can also be used as an adjunct to behaviour modification therapy . There are also homeopathic remedies for calming pets . Rescue Remedy is a blend of plant extracts , that have been found to be safe for animals . The Rescue tablets can be crushed into the pet ' s food or the Rescue drops can be added to the pet ' s drinking water . People have also applied drops to the pet ' s feet so that the pet will lick it off . Another product is PetCalm , a


natural remedy apparently with no risk of side effects or addiction and can be safely used by animals of all ages and sizes .
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