How to calm pets in thunderstorms
ome animals are very
frightened by thunder-
storms and we are also
moving towards various
events where people will be
letting off fireworks, so
smallholders should consider
the various options to keep
pets calm.
Pets have different ways of
showing their fear. Some hide,
while others try to climb on to
their owner's lap. Other
symptoms are cowering and
trembling, urinating and/or
defecating, panting, pacing
and circling, digging or
jumping in an attempt to
escape, passing gas, barking
and whining. They also have
individual ways of responding
to your attempts to help
them, so it might take trial
and error before you find
what works for your individual
Sometimes, your dog just
needs to know that you are
... and the same principles apply
when your idiot neighbours let off
fireworks ...
is not afraid and then, when a
fearful situation arises, you
can use some of the training
exercises as a distraction.
Practicing her sit/stay/shake is
a great way to distract your
there and in control of the
You can even pretend to be
dog from the storm and
situation. During a storm, a
sleepy so that your pet will
remind her that you've got this
hand on his back might be all also become relaxed.
under control. You can then
he needs to help him feel
As owners of fearful pets we
secure and safe. Talking in a
must make sure that we don't shower the dog with lots of
soothing voice helps, too.
do anything that will make the affection and attention, but
However, you are more likely situation worse. Obviously we for obeying a simple com-
mand of sit-shake hands,
to need to do more, so
should not punish the poor
instead of for being afraid.
perhaps a massage will help. If creature, but also do not fuss
your pet wears a collar, it
over the animal to comfort
Continued on page 13
helps to pull up the collar to
and reassure it, as this will
as close to the ears as you
reward the fearful behaviour.
can. Then start to massage,
Try to “jolly” the animal
using quite firm rotating
along, ignoring the negative
movements, on the large
cheek muscles of the animal's You might think about how to
face. Then move up to the
distract the pet – it is difficult
forehead, on towards the big
for a dog to be afraid when
neck muscles and down to
he is enjoying his favourite
the shoulder muscles. It is
game of fetch, for example.
good for you to maintain eye Or you might want to
contact and talk soothingly to introduce a little obedience
your pet.
training at times when the dog