Male cattle? It’s not all bull, you know
n cattle, the male is called
a bull. The female is called
a heifer until she is two
and a half years old or has
given birth, when she is called
a cow.
The baby is a calf. The
gestation period for a cow is
about nine months. A new-
born calf's size can vary
among breeds, but a typical
calf weighs 25 to 45 kg. Adult
size and weight vary significantly among breeds and sex.
The term “bullock” is
somewhat confusing.
Generally in South Africa it
will be used to describe a
young bull, the male equivalent of heifer. However in
many other countries,
including Australia and India,
a bullock refers to a castrated
bull or ox. In North America a
young bull is called a steer.
An ox is an animal which has
been specially trained and
From page 43
well-structured sensory
systems. Because they have a
short life span, they have to
adapt more quickly than
larger creatures.
Insects are well known for
having intricate relationships
with plants and with other
insects. As the plants change,
so do they adapt to the
changes. This co-evolution
has been going on for about
360 million years, which is
when the first insects
evolved. The first humans,
Homo erectus, only evolved
some two million years ago.
Their ability to fly helps them
to get out of danger. Their
external skeletons are also
physically prepared for hard
labour, such as pulling and
carrying loads.
Oxen are selected for their
size, strength, personality and
ability to learn. An ox is
usually the same size as a fullgrown bull, but is taller and
Continued on page 45
important in protecting
them. This hard “armour”
serves as a point for muscle
attachment, protects them
from drying out and from
toxins getting into their
So when we consider our
relationships with insects, it's
all a question of balance.
Many people thoughtlessly
kill insects and in most cases
it is quite unnecessary.
Unless we have circumstances in which the insects
pose a serious threat to the
other living creatures on our
plot or are causing structural
damage, such as termites
might do, we should
generally live and let live.