Cowpeas: Feed for humans and livestock
owpeas are an underutilized crop, which
have many advantages
for small-scale farmers. As a
food for humans, cowpeas
can be used as a spinach,
green bean, protein-rich
seed, and meat or coffee
substitute. For livestock,
cowpeas can be grazed, or
baled for hay or silage.
The leaves and seeds are consumed
both in the kitchen and by livestock
~and the roots fix nitrogen in the soil
The cowpea is an annual
summer leguminous plant
with varying growth forms. It
may be erect, trailing,
climbing or bushy, usually
indeterminate under favour-
Certain varieties of cowpea leaves can be enjoyed by humans.
They will grow in any
average, well-drained soil and
are more tolerant of soil
acidity than maize. The crop
shows a preference for sandy
able conditions.
soils, which tend to be less
The origin of cowpea is not
restrictive on root growth.
known, but it is believed to
Phosphorus is important for
have originated from West
seed set. Although there are
Africa and South Africa. It is
naturally occurring rhizobia
distributed from East and
capable of inoculating
Central Africa to India, Asia,
cowpea in most South African
South and Central America.
soils, it is advisable to
Being legumes, cowpeas are
inoculate the seed before
also an excellent cover crop
planting to ensure effective
and soil improver since they
nitrogen fixation.
add nitrogen to the soil and
The cultivar chosen will
improve soil structure, so they
depend on the intended use.
are excellent for rotational
For grain production a
determinate cultivar such as
Cowpea has a strong taproot
Rhino or Glenda should be
and many spreading lateral
roots in topsoil. The leaves
For hay an indeterminate
are usually dark green in
cultivar such as Chappy or
colour, with considerable
Bechuana White should be
variation in size (6–16 x 4–11
selected. If the crop is to be
cm) and shape (long, pointed
used for dual purposes then a
to oval), depending on the
semi-determinate Agrinawa,
Continued on page 35