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buy in catering waste , as well as supplementing with concentrates . However , if you wish to keep pigs commercially , you will have the following aims : ❑ The pigs must grow as quickly as possible . ❑ Their feed must be converted into muscle as effectively as possible . ❑ The pigs must not have too much fat in their meat . In order to achieve this , you must know the feed requirements of the different age groups and feed each group the correct quantity of the right mixture . Feed mixtures can either be bought or you can mix them yourself , which may prove to be cheaper . An adequate supply of water is most important . An adult pig can consume as much as eight litres a day and a lactating sow will need double that amount . A pig needs to drink twice as much water as the food it eats , to maintain healthy levels of salt in its body . They also need access to water or mud puddles to keep their temperatures stable . Learn about common health problems such as scours ( diarrhoea ) in young pigs and mange , which is itchy , diseased skin in pigs of all ages . Also learn about
The British Army Manual for servicing 15 pounder guns was revised in World War II when a training film revealed that Gunner No 6 stood smartly to attention throughout the exercise without performing a single operation . After lengthy enquiries , puzzled Staff Officers finally found a veteran of the Boer War who could explain the function of G6 ~ he remembered that G6 , at that time , used to hold the horses . malnutrition ( poor condition ), other skin conditions including lice , fly damage , greasy pig disease , diamond skin disease; worms such as roundworms and tapeworms , lameness , abscesses , fever , heatstroke , salt poisoning and pneumonia . It is compulsory to mark all pigs , so all owners must register an identification mark at the office of the registrar of animal identification . Pigs must be tattooed at the age of one month in the left ear .
They can also be marked in the left or right side of the neck or shoulder area by means of a “ hogslapper ”. Biosecurity is important . Diseases are spread mainly by pigs , people , bad food , vehicles or workers . Protect your pigs with pig-proof fencing , locked gates , healthy replacement stock and limit the people who come near your pigs . Never feed swill from restaurants or food that contains animal tissues . Use the help that is available from
veterinarians , nutritionists or animal scientists . Disinfection must be thorough and continuous . The pens in which the pigs are kept must be well drained and kept scrupulously clean . Flies must be controlled and the feed kept in a clean , dry , rat-proof place . Transport vehicles must be clean . The Sappo office can be contacted at 012 361-3920 or admin @ sapork . com .
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