Gauteng Smallholder May 2017 | Page 17

LIVESTOCK Help at hand for small pig farmers B ecause pig farming is an intensive and highly specialised form of farming, the SA Pork Producers' Organisation (Sappo) believes that com- mercial pork producers must assist developing pig farmers for sustainability. Sappo's Portfolio Committee for Emerging Farmers is tasked with co-ordinating and managing emerging farming projects countrywide. Sappo's developing programme for new produc- ers mainly focuses on training, which takes place on developing pig units, at farmers' days and by means of study groups among develop- ing farmers. Sappo wants to ensure that these farmers develop and eventually make a meaningful contribution towards commercial and sustainable pork production in South Africa. Farmers who are on the brink of becoming commercial producers receive intensive mentorship that mainly takes place at pig units. Those already farming commercially receive regular and more focused attention. Provincial pig veterinarians, who keep a close watch on the disease status of the units, regularly visit them. Sappo pays for these veterinarian visits. The number of successful developing projects in North West, KwaZulu-Natal, the Western and Eastern Cape and in Gauteng proves that some developing pig farmers are already crossing the bridge from just making a living out of pigs, towards becoming commercially successful. For many years smallholders in Gauteng have been under the impression that it is illegal to keep pigs on a smallhold- ing. However, it is only the West Rand District Municipality Municipal Health Services By-laws that insist that one needs a permit to keep pigs. Neverthele ss, where plot dwellers might encounter a problem is in the more universally-promulgated municipal bylaws which state that the pigsty may not be situated within 100 m of the boundary of the property, or any dwelling, building or structure used for human habitation, or any place where foodstuffs are stored or prepared for human con- sumption, or any water resource intended for domestic consumption. This effectively means that if you are to keep pigs legally your property needs to be consid- erably larger than 2ha to ensure that you will fulfil the 100m distance requirements in every respect. But, let's face 15 it, observance of municipal bylaws and building regula- tions has become less and less rigid in recent years… So if you've got the space, consider taking advantage of Sappo's offer of support. As with any venture, you first need to make sure there is someone who is going to buy your pigs and pay for them. Continued on page 16