Gauteng Smallholder March 2018 | Page 7

MAILBAG ‘My Koekoeks aren’t laying well’ S IR ~ I have a small flock of Potch Koekoeks ranging in age from four months to five years. They are penned at night, but free- range in the garden from about 10h00 to sunset each day as unpaid pest controllers. In their coop they have access to laying pellets ad lib and, of course, their diet is supple- mented by insects, greens, fruit etc as they roam each day. They are, I think, happy chickens. Of late, however, their laying rate has been pathetic, with no more than an egg a day and often none at all. The situation is so bad that we are almost reduced to buying store eggs (yeucchhh!) Also, to provide replacements and young for my flock I have a small incubator that I run early each season for a couple of batches. The last few batches I have run have had a very disap- pointing hatch rate. For the last two batches I had only two chicks from a dozen eggs to start, with more than half having been infertile when candled out. I must point out that I am not a beginner with small incubators, having hatched chicken, duck and goose eggs for more than 20 years, in incubators far less sophisti- cated than the one I have perhaps not getting enough now, and with hatch rates of protein in their diet? 80% or more. Should I change them to What is happening? Why, broiler pellets and supple- firstly, are my hens laying so ment with shell grit to ensure poorly and why, secondly, are sufficient calcium for shell my hatch rates so low? production? Is anybody else experiencing Any advice from readers of such drops in laying and hatch your wonderful magazine will rates? be gratefully accepted. Is it something in the feed? Or George Stegmann water? East Rand Is there anything others have tried to improve such poor outcomes? For example, are my hens The Editor welcomes your letters, comments and opinions, but reserves the right to edit and shorten as necessary. Senders’ names and addresses must be included. Afrikaans letters will be translated. Post mail to: Letters, PO Box 14648, Bredell 1623 or fax 086 602-3882 or e-mail [email protected] 5