Gauteng Smallholder March 2018 | Page 50

F REE C LASSIFIED A DVERTISEMENTS Conditions: 1. Only private advertisements for used or second-hand items accepted. COMMERCIAL and BUSINESS advertisers should refer to our rates on page 1. 2. All Classified Advertisements received will be moderated and uploaded to our sister website, They will remain on the site for a calendar month, unless requested otherwise by the advertiser. 3. No Classified Advertisements will be published in this magazine in future. 4 . Only ONE insertion per application, and one category per coupon. 5 . Classified advertisements m ust be renewed monthly for repeat placements. 6 . The Publisher reserves the right to edit or omit advertisements at his discretion. 7 . It is the Advertiser’s responsibility to ensure we have received the advert. USE THE COUPON BELOW FOR FREE CLASSIFIED ADS on Send your Classified A dvertisements to us: Tel: FOR ENQUIRIES TEL 011 979-5088 BY FAX: 086 602-3882 BY POST: Box 14648, Bredell 1623 BY EMAIL: [email protected] BY HAND: 370 da Costa Dr, Bredell, Kempton Park 48