‘Dexford’ pioneer is a Pta maplotter
t was more than ten years
ago that Mooikloof
smallholder Charles Tiganis
was driving behind a bakkie
F rom page 7
with a sign stuck to its
window advertising small
breed cattle. The breed
advertised was new in South
year which riders and their
last year because of the
ponies taking part in various
outbreak of various diseases it classes.
is hoped that farm animals of Moving later this year is the
all types will be back in their
numbers at this year's show.
Kragdag Expo held at
And, after a couple of years in Donkerhoek. It took place in
which equestrian events were the middle of June last year,
poorly attended and eventu- but this year takes place from
ally cancelled, it is hoped that 9-11 August.
the arena will be filled this
The Kragdag expo has as its
core “doen jou eie ding/do
your own thing” and as a
result has a strong emphasis
on off-grid living, home
maintenance, solar power,
home schooling, security etc.
There is also an impressive
number of food stalls and a
programme of entertainment.
Sandwiched between the
Africa ~ the product of years
of work by miniature cattle
expert Prof Richard Gradwohl
of Washington, USA. Gradwohl had bred a
miniature Hereford with a
miniature Irish Dexter to
Walkerville Agricultural Show
and the Kragdag Expo is of
course the Nampo Harvest
Day, to which Gauteng
smallholders make an annual pilgrimage, in the mielie
fields of the Free State near
Nampo takes place this year
from 15 to 18 May.
Continued on page 10