From page 20
neurotoxic venom and its
sting can be regarded as
potentially lethal.
A scorpion is ready to sting
when the tail with stinger
is held over the head, but
interestingly enough
Parabuthus can also stings
sideways (so never try to
pick it up with your
As with all venomous
Found in Gauteng: Uroplectes triangulifer encounters, some people
are more at risk of serious
where they are groundcomplications such as the
dwelling, and dig shallow
elderly, the immuneburrows at bases of shrubs,
under rocks, under logs or
any suitable structure.
It is dark brown to black in
colour and has hair on
some parts of its body.
This genus is found all over
South Africa. It likes to dig
shallow burrows in sand or Found in Gauteng: Opistophthalmus
hard soil and can mostly be pugnax
found under logs or rocks.
compromised, allergic
It will often wander into
persons and small children.
houses and can be quite
There are four scorpions
commonly found in
The Parabuthus scorpion has
the biggest scorpions in the
family Buthidae and is usually
found in areas of low rainfall
Continued on page 23