How to size, and build, a septic tank
s often as not, septic
tank problems arise
not because of abuse
and misuse but simply
because the system is too
small for the household.
This happens when the size of
a household grows, for
example with the addition of
It!s common for septic tanks to be built
too small, or to become too small as the
household expands
children or grandparents, but
also because the system was
built too small to begin with.
Believe it or not, it's a
common problem: A newly-
builders scrimp on the size of
the hole.
And, believe it or not, very
few commercial plumbers
built home may be clad in the know enough about septic
most expensive of finishes,
tanks and drain fields to
but the last component for
advise their clients correctly.
which any money is left is the The daily volume of effluent
septic tank and as a result the emptying into the tank
depends, to a large extent, on
the size of the household and
individual members' habits.
Baths use more water than
showers, for example, and
household members who
stay at home during the day
use the loo more than those
who go to work.
Party-animals will also use
more than the average by
way of loo flushes.
The minimum size of a two
compartment septic tank
Design detail of a
system, where the primary
standard 2-chamber
and secondary tanks are
septic tank
Continued on page 40