From page 24
as potted flowers for the
8 -10 C overnight from high
to low is essential to cause the The flower spikes are sold on
plant to produce a flower
auction at the market auction
spike, with each spike
per bloom, ie, a spike may
producing ten to 20 blooms. have 15 blooms and on
Tunnel design is important to auction they may fetch R3 per
get the best from the environ- bloom, thus R45 for the spike.
ment and each area in South Rietkol Orchids imported the
Africa will require a different
start up stock from Australia,
since the Cymbidium orchid
is highly specialised and
Vegtec and Greenhouse
comes in many variations of
Technologies provided
support and service in tunnel colour and size.
design and specification, and Threats to orchid production
they supplied all the mainteare gene