From page 16
Attentive audience at the lectures during last year’s Dairy Day.
From page 16
better for a smallholding.
Another medium sized breed
that is indigenous to South
Africa is the Drakensberger
and was developed over a
period of several centuries.
Gauteng even has its own
breed, namely the Bovelder,
developed on the Northern
and Southern sewage farms of
Joburg Water.
agents, vacuum pack machines,
and scales etc.
The speakers secured for this
year will cover topics such as
the primary product, milk,
raising calves, lambs and kids,
stress in small stock and the
correct handling of these
And, a specialist from Cape
Town will discuss practical
business aspects of running a
small dairy operation.
Belcher says smallholders
interested in dairy operations
are welcome. Many who have
attended past dairy days
realised the possibilities of extra
income from a dairy on their
Participation in the Dairy Day is
free but booking is essential.
Coffee or tea and rusks will be
available to welcome visitors on
arrival and lunch will be on sale
later in the day.
To book your attendance call
Rina Belcher 082 377-5698
The Nguni is well known
for its ability to thrive
under veld conditions and
they are also not as large as
some of the popular
commercial breeds.
Other popular beef breeds
are Beefmaster, Angus,
Hereford, Pinnzgauer,
Charolais and Beef
Bovelders on Joburg Water’s Northern Farm