Gauteng Smallholder Gauteng Smallholder November 2011 | Página 17
Pictures enhance sales on slick website
picture paints a
thousand words, goes
the saying, and adding
a picture (or five) to your
entry on the SA Small Farmers
Online Exchange,, greatly increases
the number of views the item
will attract and, therefore, the
chances of a speedy sale. That's the common experi-
ence of sellers countrywide
who are embracing the site as
a specialist medium of
exchange for smallholders
and small farmers in increas-
ing numbers.
To use sasfox as a sales
medium you need to register
as a user, a simple, free and safe once-off procedure.
Once registered you may
enter details of the item you
are wishing to sell. Experience
shows that including a price
increases interest. As you
enter the details the system
prompts you to enter an
address (important because
the site is active countrywide
F rom page 13 with carprofen were generally
harmless to vultures; however,
cattle vary in their absorption
of the drug, resulting in some
having very high concentra-
tions at the injection site. In
addition, vultures vary in their
elimination of the drug,
resulting in some suffering
renal failure and death.
In summary, some vultures
will die from eating some
carcasses of cattle treated with
carprofen. While carprofen is
not as toxic to vultures as
diclofenac, it is also not as
vulture-safe as meloxicam. “We are talking about
critically endangered species
of vulture – we cannot afford
to lose any to carprofen or
any other known unsafe
NSAID,” says Kerri Wolter, a
co-author of the study and
founder of South African
vulture conservation organisa-
tion, VulPro. “Carprofen
should not be used to treat
livestock in regions where the
carcasses of these livestock are
provided to vultures.”
The paper on this study can
be accessed online through
ScienceDirect at
However, the researchers
found that carprofen concen-
trations were much higher at
the injection site than in the
kidneys or liver of the cattle
used in the experiment. One
of two vultures exposed to the
average concentration found
at the injection site died. Post
mortem examination of this
vulture found severe kidney
and liver damage evident of
NSAID poisoning.
The researchers concluded
that carcasses of cattle treated
and is searchable by area),
which enables us to allocate
your advertisement to a
recognisable searchable
You are also prompted to
upload up to five picture,
which can be no more
elaborate than having been
Continued on page 16
For further information: Kerri
Wolter at
[email protected] or
082 808 5113.