Gauteng Smallholder February 2018 | Page 13

NEWS Pompom biocontrol thrips catches on H ow bad is the pompom weed (Campuloclinium macrocephalum) infestation where you are this year? For the past few years the use of a biocontrol agent against the plant has been applied in Gauteng and it is instructive to gauge its efficacy and success. The biocontrol agent in question is the South American thrips Liothrips tractabilis which lives on and attacks only pompom weed. The ARC Plant Protection Research Institute's Liamé van der Westhuizen reports that “where the insects have been established over two to three seasons, we have recorded a reduction in height as well as in the number of buds per inflorescence.” This is good because a reduction in height is a sign that the plant is under stress and the reduction in the number of buds will over time A sea of pompom weed in the Rietvlei Nature Reserve 11 also impact on the seedbank. She goes on to say, “Liothrips is in some instances also preventing plants from flowering altogether. The insects are however slow dispersers and the population needs to build up over a number of seasons before Continued on page 13