The Editor welcomes your letters , comments and opinions , but reserves the right to edit and shorten as necessary . Senders ’ names and addresses must be included . Afrikaans letters will be translated . Post mail to : Letters , PO Box 14648 , Bredell 1623 or fax 086 602-3882 or e-mail editor @ gautengsmallholder . com
Uncaring jobsworths at rural clinic
Sir ~ I today ( 16 December ) experienced the reason why this country is in the state it is in ! I am hyper-allergic to bee stings . At about 06h15 I was stung by a bee . I live in the rural area of De Wagensdrift . A friend rushed me to the
Wadrift Clinic ( the nearest medical facility ) as I did not have the required medication with me . When I explained to the security guard at the gate of Wadrift Clinic what my situation was ( at this stage I was very unsteady on my feet
Advice on watermelons
Sir ~ First I want to thank the Gauteng Smallholder for all the help and advice to maplotters . I started growing watermelons in October . They are growing three to five vines . Should I allow this ? Each vine is exceeding 1,5m . Should I allow this or should I cut the growing points ? Thanking you in anticipation . KA Nikiwe Boltonwold
Any reader with experience of growing watermelons who can give the reader some guidance ? ~ Editor and slurring ) he bluntly told me to fall in the queue as the clinic only opens at 07h30 . I explained to him I might be in a coma by that time – not even this convinced him – I had to wait . The female security guard showed some intelligence and called one of the sisters . I explained to the sister what my situation was and her reply was also “ wait for 07h30 as that is when we open .” I once again explained I could not wait that long as this was an emergency . Her reply was “ wait I will see ”. At this stage I was holding on and leaning against the gate to keep myself upright and I started getting disorientated . As I have been in this state before I knew I was running out of time and needed help . I showed the security guards the time on my phone ( it was 07h10 ) and told them there is a problem looming and I needed to go seek help . My friend rushed me to
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