Gauteng Smallholder February 2017 | Page 29

From page 25
South Africa . Findings from the project show how beekeepers are struggling to find sufficient forage for their honey bee colonies . This in turn is putting pressure on the colonies available for the pollination of South Africa ' s
pollinator-dependent crops . This book furnishes information on the nectar and pollen value of South African beeplants , whether indigenous or exotic , grown in orchards or plantations , or ornamental or weeds . Additionally , flowering times are documented and the pollination needs of crop plants are addressed . While the crop grower is reliant on the beekeeper for the pollination service his honeybees provide during the flowering season , the beekeeper in turn depends on variable forage resources and habitats to sustain his honeybee colonies throughout the year , and to provide him with a honey crop . Smallholders who wish to support the bees through their choice of plants to grow will find the book invaluable . The book is also of value to gardeners , farmers , beekeepers or practitioners in environmental impact assessments or rehabilitation


projects , in deciding which plants to utilise , conserve or grow . This publication contributes to the outcomes of the Global Pollination Project and the Honeybee Forage Project , both implemented by Sanbi . The recommended retail price is R486 and the book can be ordered online or bought at the Sanbi bookshop in Pretoria .

Daff Gazettes protected tree list

The Dept of Agriculture , Forestry & Fisheries ( Daff ) has published a revised list of protected tree species in terms of the National Forestry Act , No 48 of 1998 . Thus , no person may cut , disturb , damage or destroy any protected tree , nor may he possess , collect , remove , transport , export , buy , sell or donate any protected tree or product made from a protected tree species without a permit , which is also subject to a stipulated time period . Contravention of the regulation can result in a fine or imprisonment or both . For details of the list see Government Notice 1602 of 23 December 2016 , published in the Government Gazette No 40521 of the same date .

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