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Their docile nature and the ease with which Dexters can be transported to the bull and handled with limited facilities adds to their popularity . It is even suggested that you can keep two Dexters instead of any one standard-sized cow grazing on the same hectare of land . Figures rel ; eased by the Glen Animal Research Station showed a food conversion ratio of 5,40 for the Dexter , which means that for every 5,4kg of feed consumed it gains a kilogram of body weight . The average
Newborn Dexter calves are small ... really small !
The breed is apparently immune to Bovine Spongiform Encephalitis ( mad cow disease ) and resistant to mastitis
daily gain of a young bull on test was 1,429kg . Early maturing , Dexter heifers produce their first calf at about two years of age and they go on producing until they are 15 or 16 years old . Dexter cows are maternal and calving is generally easy . The mothers hide their calves almost from birth if there is any cover for them to hide in . They will produce enough milk to feed two to three calves , and often will willingly nurse calves from other cows . Their udders are sound , with good teat placement . Dexters produce both meat and milk . The meat has a unique flavour and the cuts are small in size in comparison to the larger breeds . Dexter meat is ideally suited to a boutique meat market or the home freezer . There is a high meat to bone ratio . Some smallholders also use them as oxen . Their colouring is either whole black or whole red , with no foreign colours , although a small amount of white on the underline behind the navel is allowed . The breed is apparently immune against Bovine Spongiform Encephalitis ( mad cow disease ) and has been found to be more resistant to common diseases and mastitis . The Dexter is regarded as environmentally friendly
because of the lesser impact due to its size and the fact that it is a non-selective grazer . In some areas it has even been used to eradicate foreign vegetation which threatened to become invasive . The Purebred Dexter Club provides an advisory service to Gauteng breeders , and there is an active community of Dexter breeders throughout the province . For more information : 083 692-9809 .
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