Tractors sold with accessories , spares
The newly-appointed distributors of Farmtrac tractors , Vukani Agri , are ensuring that buyers of their machines receive the greatest possible encouragement to service their machines correctly , particularly as far as changing the oil and air filter elements is
From page 8 farmers and the rural poor , for whom donkeys are a vital form of transportation and motive power for ploughing , threshing etc . There is also , of course , a legal slaughter industry for livestock such as donkeys , with certain abattoirs licensed to work with donkeys . Notably , the Randfontein abattoir is registered for donkeys and does , indeed , accept donkeys for slaughter and as a result is often used concerned . Supplied with each new Farmtrac is a so-called farmer ' s kit . Packed into a neat kit-bag is a full set of all the filters needed at the first service , as well as a voucher , redeemable at the nearest Farmtrac service agent , which will see to it that a trained
DONKEY HIDES as a scapegoat for illegal slaughtering , allegedly being cited frequently by those in the illegal trade as the source of the skins . Once the skins enter the export shipping industry , they become part of a sector that has been a mainstay of South Africa produce exports for more than a century . The legal export of both wet and dry hides of many species has been going on for years and is connected , of course , to the number of technician arrives at the owner ' s premises and performs the full service , according to specifications . Other accessories supplied as standard include front counterweights , linkage drawbar , a grease gun and a wheel jack . For the moment , Vukani are
livestock slaughtered in the meat industry . The problem comes , however , when illegal hides enter the shipping chain , often with fraudulent documents and export permits , and their outward movement is condoned by port and Customs officials who are ignorant of the ramifications of the trade , unable to identify the differences between the hides of various species or are unaware of the illegality involved .
offering a range of five tractors in the 37kW to 56kW range , in two and four wheel drive . All are fitted with canopies as standard , and halogen headlamps . For more information : Vukani Agri 081 453-6293
11 www . sasmallholder . co . za