Gauteng Smallholder February 2016 | Page 49

GAUTENG ABSOLUTELY FREE TO PRIVATE INDIVIDUALS. CONDITIONS: 1. Animals (including horses), birds, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS SUPERSMALLS Entries in this yellow-shaded section cost R120 VAT included for 25 words, plus R1/word thereafter. WANTED Gesoek: Stukkende tweede-handse brei masjiene benodig vir parte. Vir skool vir mense met geleerdheids probleme. Rosa 082 684-9534. FOR SALE POULTRY Quacker ducks R50 each. Contact Carol 082 409-8173 Benoni AH. Potch Koekoek cockerels from show-quality parents. Three aged eight weeks at end Jan R50 each. One aged eleven weeks at end Jan R75. Improve your flock with these magnificent birds. Pete 072 587-9137 Bredell Boschvelder chickens: I have day old to 4 week old Boschvelder chickens for sale. We hatch weekly. Contact Peter 082 330-4096 Roodepoort. LIVESTOCK Blackhead Dorper lambs, approx eight months at end Jan. Males and females from R700 each. Pete 072 587-9137 Bredell 13 Damara Vetstert skape: 1 teel ram, 6 dragtige ooie, 6 lammers vir R13 000. Kontak James 076 422-3521. 2 dragtige Dexter koeie, 1 vers, 1 bulletjie van 15 maande oud R19 000. Kontak James 076 422-3521. 2 Nguni bulle 19 maande oud R6 000 elk. Kontak James 076 422-3521. MISCELLANEOUS Stainless steel farm donkey. 210 litre, fireheated. Constant hot water. From R3 730 incl VAT. Contact 011 762-1212, 082 4560973 or [email protected]. PRODUCE PLANTS & FODDER Saagsels/Shavings: 650 x 1,3m sakke R17 per sak. Geskik vir enige diere. Aflewering kan gereel word. Kontak Dalene 082 555-5773 Delmas Lucerne R75 per square bale, sweepings R40 per bag. Veld grass R45 per bale. Contact 078 442-4265 or [email protected]. Fruit and nut trees. Olive, peach, nectarine, plum, almond, apricot, walnut, prune, pomegranate, pecan nut, apple, cherry, pear, fig, quince, mulberry, lemon and grape vines. Contact Douw 084 506-5125 Vereeniging. Indigenous trees. 40 varieties available. Aloes also in stock. Contact 082 801-9555. FOR SALE Entries in this section are FREE OF CHARGE, but are for used items, private property sales/rentals and employment offered/wanted only. FARMING REQUISITES Dam/pond liner 6,8m x m x 2mm thick HDPE, +/-7 000 litre capacity - 17 year life span @ R1 027. Contact Richard 083 7446507 Chartwell (Fourways). Electric double element bee wax melter for sale . Hardly used and in perfect working condition. Contact Henk Redelinghuys in Centurion 083 659-1574 or [email protected] Electric feed mixer: - Drotsky Turbomix vertical orbital screw concentrate feed mixer for sale, excellent condition. Contact James on 082 550-4502 for more information. 47 poultry, fodder, bedding, etc must be paid for as SuperSmalls (see p 56). 2. Wanted ads, services of any kind are also SuperSmalls. 4. No Commercial ads accepted as classifieds (see display ad tariff - p 1). 5. Placement maximum of 3 months Variety of chicken feeders (galvanised trays) and drinkers (asbestos) for sale. R200. Pierre 082 851-2127. MISCELLANEOUS Palisade fence, 2 400mm high, 200m in length (67 x 3m sections with uprights), 7prong devil's fork. Laser-cut, not spot welded. R90 000. Heinrich 011 706-3364 or 083.625-1156. Shed 9m x 6m x 3m IBR roof, sides and double doors, R25 000. Contact 082 7716460. Finn builder unit large pillar type, R3 000. Contact 082 771-6460. 500 litre fire tender with 6HP motor two 15m hoses set on trailer, R10 000. Contact 082 771-6460. Garden table with attached benches, made from solid kiaat hardwood planks. Seats 8. Size 2 050mm long x 1 770mm wide overall including benches (table 2 050mm x 920mm wide). R950 neg. Call 083 6805373.