Quail housing
adult weighs between 150 to
200 grams and an egg weighs
K Market demand for quails around seven to 15 grams.
is on the rise. That's because
Housing needs to be welltheir meat and eggs are
ventilated to ensure a
beneficial and are used in the constant flow of air.
treatment of various diseases: Temperatures should be
diabetes, obesity, tuberculosis, between 28-32oC. Quails can
kidney and liver diseases,
be kept in a shed or in a
hypertension and more. Their cage. You can raise 50 quails
meat is low in fat, but high in in a cage measuring 120 cm
protein and essential nutrilength, 60 cm width and 25
cm height. The birds need
K Quail feathers are much
access to clean water and the
sought after by the angling
cage must be cleaned
community as they are used
in lures;
If you choose to use wood
K Quail meat and eggs are
products as litter, make sure it
being successfully exported.
is wood shavings and not
Quails are small birds - an
sawdust, as this dust can
cause respiratory
problems in your
Care must be
taken not to
allow the litter to
get wet. This
causes the litter
to smell which
attracts flies,
From page 21
Quail eggs
To page 24