From page 36
There are three important
types of mites that affect
The red mite is a large mite
and the most common by far,
and is extremely difficult to
eradicate from the housing. It
lives in cracks and crevices of
chicken houses and feeds
mainly at night. Therefore it is
difficult to find during the
These are blood-sucking
mites, so can cause significant
anaemia and even death.
They irritate the chicken and
can therefore cause stressrelated illness as well.
Both the chickens and their
housing need to be treated
(with dusting powders) for red
mites – this includes all the
furniture in the housing
because the mites hide under
this during the day.
The Northern fowl mite is a
small mite. It stays on the
chicken all the time. When
there are many of these mites
present they can cause
blackening of feathers
because of their droppings
and eggs.
They can cause scaling on the
face, comb and wattles.
Again, discomfort and
anaemia along with scabby
skin are the hallmarks of
these mites.
The feathers are also affected
at the base where they grow,
and can look as though they
have been chewed at. These
mites, unlike red mite, are
rare, but are almost impossible to get rid of.
The housing needs to be
treated as well as the
chickens, but often it is better
to burn the housing and
purchase a new one if these
mites do take up residence.
The Scaly Leg Mite lives on
Left: Mites. Above: Pox
Continued on page 40