The pioneer in the research of this technology is named none other
than E Ink Corporation and was established back in 1997 as a spinoff from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Media Lab.
ooks and papers always held a special place in our hearts. The smell of a
Moreover, the innovation of electronic
freshly bought book or a long forgotten book is among the nostalgic memories
displays ensured that the electronic ver-
cherished by each and every bookworm. We all have experienced this closely
sions of the books would be delivered
knit relationship of the pen and paper in some form, along the path of our
under same conditions offered by the
lives. But portability, the keyword of this generation, isn’t closely related to either book
physical books with the added portabil-
or paper, in terms of its self-proclaimed standards of the mobile world. Hence the neces-
ity of sleeker and unified design. That is,
sity for a book like