Gauge Newsletter September 2015 | Page 2

SEPTEMBER 2015 CONTENTS FEATURES 05 Sustainable Engineering Minimizing the negative environmental impact of engineering. 06 Audio Engineering Involvement of Engineering in music. 08 Pervious concrete for sustainable development Special type of concrete with high porosity. 10 Evolution of augmented reality 12 Interview with Dr. Roshan Ragel 16 Autonomous paper robots Today, paper is propelling a different kind of movement. 18 Effect of vortex shedding on tall structures A common phenomena to be considered in designing tall structures. 28 Wireless power transmission 20 Port City A balanced review. 23 Gravity Powered LED? COVER STORY 04 Wardenclyffe tower was built to develop a global wireless power transmission system. 30 Structural health monitoring Process of implementing damage An inexpensive and safe way electricity. 24 Future of Sri Lankan Telecommunication industry Telecommunication is playing a major part in the 32 Breaking the unbreakable Cryptanalysis is the technique used to break development of the world and our country. detection and a characterization. encrypted messages. 26 Finite element analysis 34 Bio ethanol for sustainable future It is much more convenient to deal with the elements contained within the structure. 2 Gauge Newsletter University of Peradeniya Renewable source of fuel alternative.