This design of the 3D model can be created using Computer Aided Design (CAD) tools, various
specialized software tools that simplify the design process on computers, tablets or even
Most popular CAD tools that
can be used:
AutoDesk 123D Design
AutoDesk Fusion 360
AutoDesk 3Ds Max
AutoDesk AutoCad
Slicing Softwares that can be
3D Slicer
Then this design file is sliced into thin layers according to the
desired specifications by a slicing software and send it to the
printer. The printing process varies by the technology used in
the printer. In general, there is a multi-axis robotic arm carrying
the 3D printing material which can move anywhere via a 3D
axis in space and spread the material. Before spreading out,
the 3D printing material should be melted. A laser beam,
an electron beam or a plasma arc can be used to melt the
material. Finally, the object is getting printed layer by layer
according to the design.
What Materials Can be
Used for 3D Printing?
Selecting the right
3D printing material for a
project is very important.
Many different materials can
be used as printing material
such as,
ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene
Styrene) plastic
PLA (Polylactic Acid)
Polyamide (Nylon)
Glass-filled polyamide
GAUGE Magazine University of Peradeniya
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