Gauge Newsletter January 2019 | Page 33

very low. Therefore, we all are responsible for the current pathetic situation of the industry. When compared with the USA, Scandinavian countries and Australia, their mathematics and innovative abilities are very high when compared to Sri Lanka. The other fact is the lack of consideration for others and the lack of self-discipline. We seem to be a society that is purely driven by greed, jealousy and selfishness. At every turn we see indiscipline, there is tolerance of it under the justification that it is the only way to survive. Very little regard is given towards ethics. These social conditions are evidence of the low-level of education we have. We should encourage a culture with high ethics. As long as plagiarism is encouraged, it is hard to think about an ethical society with high integrity. For example, in the USA, there is a zero-tolerance policy towards plagiarism and cheating. People are both scared and ashamed to be unethical because it is considered as disgraceful by the society. What does all of that say about our education system? I think it paints a very bleak picture. 17. According to your opinion, what are the must-have qualities of an engineer? The most important qualities are professional ethics, integrity and ability to self-learn. With these qualities the facts learned during the undergraduate years becomes irrelevant in the path towards success. Another necessary quality is the desire to innovate. The biggest complaint from the industry is that graduates are not interested in uplifting the industry or their institutions to the next level. Most consider it as a mere job. An innovative person might find a different or an efficient way of getting the job done. Even if something is done the same way for many years, as an engineer you should have the capability to change it when the need arises, even if there is heavy resistance towards the idea. 18. What’s your message to the budding engineers? Will there be a better future? With regard to the future, I have lost all hope for the country. I have this theory that implies that we will never develop as a nation because of three facts: the jackfruit tree, coconut tree and the weather. Because of the jackfruit tree and coconut tree people will not die of hunger, and because of the weather people will not die of heat or cold. Therefore, people are not worried about contributing because of the lack of a need to do so. So as young Engineers, always try to make a change. Integrity and professional behavior are key qualities to be adhered to. You must not do anything that is against your conscience whatever the reason may be. Try to develop a sense of duty and a purpose. Learn the fundamentals and always try to give back to the society what the society has given to you to become an Engineer. The people of this country have invested in you with a lot of hope. Do not disappoint them. Madri Madawala 3rd Year- Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Faculty of engineering, University of Peradeniya. Sewwandie Nanayakkara 2nd Year- Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of engineering, University of Peradeniya . GAUGE Magazine University of Peradeniya PAGE| 31